Thursday, March 27, 2008

Just Say No to Kid to Kid

AAAAAAHHHHHHH. I am so frustrated!!! I bought Aiden a travel swing to take on vacation, since the kid only sleeps in his swing or with his mommy. (and the award for parent of the year goes to...) Any way, while there I turned it on and it swung fine. Get it home, put a little weight in it (Aiden) and the thing makes noise but doesn't move. Go to Walmart spend $70 get one that works. Today I tried to return the busted one. They said, "that's strange usually we test it out on a 10 lb baby doll". They put the doll in, sure enough the thing makes noise like it's swinging but doesn't actually swing. They agree with me and then say but we don't accept returns on equipment. Sucks to be you. So they sold me crappy stuff and refuse to give me my money back or at least a store credit. I still had my receipt. I called Josh, he called them and threatened to charge it back on the credit card and now I get to go make a second trip to get my money back. I will never shop at kid to kid again. The reason I went in there was to find cheap jammies but all they had was crap that had been through the ringer for $3.50. I went to Carters and got brand new jammies for $5.00. If you want I'll give you the $1.50 difference not to shop there. It's the principle of the thing not the lousy 25 bucks they tried to rob me of. ....end venting...


Diane Owen said...

ugh, so frustrating! I hate stuff like that. Thank goodness for husbands who will call and get the money back...but bummer for two trips!

The Lund Five said...

I have only been to Kid to Kid once to shop for a Halloween costume. They usually have fashion shows for Kid to Kid Halloween costumes on Good Things Utah. However the selection in the store was not that good. I think I also prefer to pay the little extra to get things brand new.