The Winnie the Pooh ride. Loved it more!

Woke up a tiny bit for Minnie.

Full on snoozin'

Fireworks. Loved 'em (Way past my bedtime)

Asleep on the car ride home.

Video's and slide shows will be coming when I am home and have more time. I didn't even get all our posts and pictures up from the Bahamas and Aiden and I were off again. We are so lucky to have a Daddy that works so hard for us so that we can have so much fun. We miss you Daddy!
I totally agree that you can enjoy Disney at any age. We took our kids when Darcy was 3 and Dax was 1, and although they don't remember it now, I remember how much fun they had! Plus, they love for me to tell them stories about all the fun things they did there.
Landon was 2 months old when we went to Disneyland so I don't think he really got into it. I hope that you are having fun. When will you be back? Will you be coming to my first Stamp Club on March 25th. Have fun. Hope to see you soon.
Ok now you are in HUGE trouble...I have spent the last 45 min. looking up prices to DisneyWorld and airfare(since it is closer for us)!
Glad you had fun, but my jealous bone is just going crazy these days...I may have to stop looking at your blog :)
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