I have to take crappy steroids and another prescription and wear a HUGE boot. Apparently I wasn't taking good enough care of it before which is why it got worse. I guess this takes longer to heal than a fracture. I wasn't staying off it like I should. In fact if he read my mind he would have said. "Stupid girl, you shouldn't have been running around on it and climbing up and down mountains for 4 hours on Saturday while you competed in "The Amazing Race." Which was awesome despite the fact it killed my foot. I will blog about that later. AWESOME!
So now I get the boot. Literally. haha. I have to laugh about this whole thing because I spent the day crying about it. How am I supposed to stay off it? I am a mom. He asked me how much of the day I was on my feet. Um, all of it except 2 hours when my son naps and 8 hours when I sleep. Not acceptable. So Josh is out picking up my prescriptions and getting me the 3rd book in the Twilight series.
Oh and did I mention the worst part, I am supposed to go to physical therapy 2-3 times a week for 4-6 weeks. I cried right then and there when he said that. How am I gonna do that? So I flat out asked him, "If I keep walking on it and doing what I have been doing, it will hurt, but it will eventually heal, right?" Wrong O! He said, "There is no surgery that can fix this, if you don't get it healed properly, you could have a bum foot." I love that he said bum, rather than some technical word. I of course told Josh, that I "could" have a bum foot. He didn't say it was guaranteed. It may heal by itself. I can't be off my feet and I can't leave Aiden with somebody 2 times a week. I don't have that many favors. I know everybody will comment that they will take him and I will probably be calling, but it just sucks and is a pain in the butt, and ends up taking my entire day, by the time I get him to the sitter, to my appointment at St. Marks and then back to the sitter. AAAAHHHH!
I took these by myself with my camer phone. Pay no attention to my messy scrapbook room.
That's a bummer! I would much rather come down and play with Aiden and make you dinner (maybe even breakfast) all week than go to work... if only. So there is a collection of boots at my parents' house. Too bad we didn't know you needed one (they are washable). After I sprained my ankle I wasn't terribly careful and then had surgery a year later for it. But there were times after my surgery that I was sure I had ruined it, but it seems okay and I run and play hard on it. Be more careful than you want to be, but also don't worry too much. Good luck. And if you can think of any ideas of ways I can help from Logan I would be interested - I'll be thinking too.
Watch Aiden?? 1-2-3 not it...
What a bummer. Hope you feel better soon. You know I really am happy to watch Aiden any time. And its not a favor because you don't have to pay me back. :) My kids like the extra playmate. Let me know...
Maybe this ligament?
I would totally take Aiden if I was in Utah, oh and if I could get my front door open, but I cannot so I am sorry :( I hurt my foot last week too, but its the top of it and I just have to take it easy to, and some days I think its all better and then others I cannot walk. I am sorry sister :(
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