Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My thoughts...

I finally purchased a new pair of jeans. My favorite jeans got ruined on our California trip, lots of walking in the rain. I didn't want to buy new jeans until I lost some weight. I gave in;) I LOVE my jeans. I spent time getting the right length, the right size, and the right rise, mid instead of low, so my butt crack only shows 70% of the time instead of the 90%. YOU ARE WELCOME!
I hate to take them off. I literally spent one afternoon watching TV in my garments while they washed and dried. I am still not sure why I didn't just put on some Pajama pants. I guess I didn't want my jeans to think I was cheating on them. These things rarely get washed because I can't part with them. They aren't super cute or trendy, they just fit right. I think I have been walking on my jeans for the last 10 years.

In other news... I spend last Saturday doing yard work. I didn't wear my garments and wore a tank top trying to get a tan. I got sun burned badly! Why don't I learn? I told Josh you don't have to wear your G's for the 3 S's. Sex, Swimming and Sports. Oh and yard work:) Last spring, we went on a cruise, I decided to have it be a garment free cruise. I figured I would be in my swim suit most the time anyway and then at night I could dress sexy. I never get to feel sexy now that I have special under wear;) Well, God in all his wisdom decided to punish the entire cruise ship for my mistake and the weather was cold and terrible the entire trip. Lesson learned! Until next time...


mindy said...

Pants that fit right...aaaahhhhh, so nice.

Likely said...

the part when you said YOU ARE WELCOME! made me totally laugh out loud.

If I didn't have a grip of neighbors watching me I would garden in my bathing suit. with some shorts on probably. I hear you sista.

Likely said...

OH! and what kind of jeans are they?I totally need to buy some new ones.