And The Award Goes to...

My friend Tiffany O. nominated me for this award. And as a recipient of this award I must answer the following questions with ONE WORD answers and then pass it on to 7 more people to do the same.
1. Where is your cell phone? Pocket
2. Where is your significant other? Table
3. Your hair color? Blonde
4. Your mother? Cindy
5. Your father? Dave
6. Your favorite thing? Aiden
7. Your dream last night? Forgotten
8. Your dream/goal? Millionare
9. The room your in? Kitchen
10. Your hobby? Scrapbooking
11. Your fear? Loosing
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Africa
13. Where were you last night? Draper
14. What you're not? Painless
15. One of your wish list items? Hummer
16. Where you grew up? Utah
17. The last thing you did? TV
18. What you are wearing? Jammies
19. Your TV? AWESOME
20. Your pet? TobZekJoce
21. Your computer? PINK
22. Your mood? Tired
23. Missing someone? Baby
24. Your car? Tundra
25. Something you're not wearing? Shoes
26. Favorite store? Costco
27. Your summer? Fun
28. Love someone? JoshuAiden
29. Your favorite color? Purple
30. Last time you laughed? Carving
31. Last time you cried? Fell
The bloggers I'm nominating:
1 comment:
Haha i liked how you combined words. I'd almost call that cheating. I'll let you slide just this once. Ha
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