For some reason this new child is already insisting on being a pain. I am having lots of cramping and an insane amount of pain down there. Needless to say I am only not in pain when I am lying in bed, but not full lying because the heartburn then kicks in. So sitting up in bed. I really need one of these pillows. Does anybody have one I could borrow for 4 months? Aiden has a little froggy one, but I have concluded I am much too large for it.

I am also super bored and would love any TV series you may have on DVD or any kids movies for when Aiden is with me.
It is not horrible, I can still get out and leave if I need to. This just usually ends in tears and Tylenol. So I am going to try to take it easy to see if the cramping and pain stops.
I don't have one . . . but I have seen them at Ross. So they are probably pretty cheap there. Good luck with that! So sory to hear you are in pain!
I don't know that you would enjoy our TV series, but we have several seasons of the Simpsons (many thanks to you), the first two of Bewtiched, all 2 of the Monkees and the entire really old batman ones with real people that have "bang" and "crash" appear on the screen. Interested? :) Have you scoured the den? My mom has lots of kids movies, but a lot are VHS...
gosh, I am am sorry. I hope it passes. It's so hard to be pregnant. Soo soo hard!
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