Overall, not very impressed with Virginia. Everything cost money to see and it wasn't reasonable. If you wanted to walk through historic Williamsburg it was a minimum of $37, in order to go into the buildings and see reenactments.
The Fam in front of Governor's Mansion, Williamsburg

Jamestown Settlement was $14, again just to see what it would have been like. Almost all of the buildings, ships, and so on (in all 3 places) were replicas. It was a bit disappointing to pay all that money and know everything there was reconstructed. So we paid a bunch of money to see what it might have been like.
BUT... We had fun with Grandma!
Daddy tanning the hide with baby Aiden, Jamestown Settlement

I guess I'll scratch off site-seeing in VA from my list. What a bummer!
I found out after the trip that if you get a speeding ticket in VA and are going 20+ over OR are going over 80 MPH you can get a $2500 speeding fine and up to 1 year in prison! Thankfully we didn't meet any cops.
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